Our Services

Leading Psychologically Safe Teams

Psychological safety is about feeling comfortable enough to take risks in your job, such as speaking up with an idea, asking difficult questions, owning up to mistakes or sharing concerns. It’s a significant driver of workplace productivity.

Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson says: “Organisations are more at risk of preventable business failures or human safety failures when psychological safety is low.”

At Reveur, we nurture the development of psychologically safe teams by developing strong leadership skills and positive workplace cultures.

Leadership Development

Leadership can make or break an organisation and its culture. Reveur specialises in creating strategies to enhance leadership effectiveness. As every organisation is different, our solutions are tailor-made to meet the individual needs of your leaders.

We specialise in applied neuroscience, building internal capacity for cultural change, including delivery of culture training, collective leadership development workshops, 360 feedback, one-on-one coaching and mentoring of executive and middle management leaders.

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Reveur guides leaders to identify and understand underlying mindsets, beliefs and behaviours in their organisation, and then supports them in making significant behavioural shifts.

We work with individuals to change patterns that are no longer useful to them, and which impact their satisfaction and Leadership effectiveness.

We offer neuroscience-based leadership coaching through a results-based system that incorporates the study of change, systems theory, learning theory and positive psychology.

Organisational Culture

A strong organisational culture increases productivity, enables growth and builds a foundation for long-term business success. At Reveur, we work with you to create a strategically aligned culture, and manage that culture as a core capability of your business.

Our approach is centred around engaging your employees from the very start so that they feel part of the process. Using proven methodologies and tools we guide and support you through new system implementations, whether restructuring a single department or the entire business.

High Performing Teams

Employee satisfaction is a key element of staff retention, and an important driver of satisfaction is strong team relationships. In an environment where team members feel valued and appreciated, and where they feel a sense of purpose and connection, productivity soars.

We offer a range of individual team, multiple team and virtual teaming programs that fast track team effectiveness.


We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein